Tuesday, March 24, 2009

week 2

So this is the start of the second week and I'm feeling like a 'bad boy'. Not in a mischievous way but in a way of certainty. There is a feeling of dependence, one full of courage and conviction. Its uncommon and mysterious maybe even magical. If I had to sum it up in one word it would be.....'woo'. (if u dont know about 'woo' see http://badboys2offorce5.blogspot.com/) Andrew 'Fletch' Fletcher is the director of 'woo'. He once told me "if the shoe fits.... put it on" - or maybe thats my quote? ummm either way its the truth. You see, Force 5 Media (http://force5media.com/) is in the elevator (thats right i said elevator). And the D's (Deb DeFreeuw and David Morgan) have pushed the button for the 10th floor - and if you were in the elevator you would see that that is a high as it goes. So I ask is the world ready? R u ready? If so, let the Force be with you!!! Stay tuned

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