Monday, April 6, 2009

What it means to be a Force 5 Bad Boy...

So ive been a Bad Boy since..... yea since I came out of LaVerne Walker's womb. At a young age I started my own business, no joke. I was slanging football trading cards in the cafeteria of Rowland elementry school. I wasnt in it for the money. I did it for the glory. Seriously, my father brought home stacks of football trading cards and I sold these cards for 25 cents a piece to other kids in school. I strategically chose 25 cents as a price because that was the cost of getting an extra chocolate milk at lunch time. Ironically, the milk wasnt for me - it was for the most beautfiul girl in school. The funny thing is, I can still remember the black leather skirts she used to wear with a white polo shirt and black ribbon in her hair. She wore short heals and stockings. I swear she was a young girl out of one of those Target magazines. Every boy wanted to be her boyfriend but only one could claim that title. So I thought to myself I said self "what can you do to become her boyfriend?" I tried sending her notes (do you like me? check yes or no). I tried talking to one of her friends and asking her to put in a good word. I even asked my teacher what was the best course of action. I soon realized that I was asking the wrong question. Instead of trying to figure out how I could become her boyfriend, I should have been thinking about how I can make her my girlfriend.... So I came up with a master plan that was fail proof. One day in the cafeteria I noticed she loved chocolate milk. I knew that this was the way to her heart. So I devised a plan to get her an extra chocolate milk everyday. I started slanging the football trading cards my father would give me. I had soo many quarters that could afford to give her as many chocolate milks as she wanted. I was the man. About 2 weeks later..... she was my girlfriend. Now thats a being a Bad Boy. Let the Force be with you!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

week 2

So this is the start of the second week and I'm feeling like a 'bad boy'. Not in a mischievous way but in a way of certainty. There is a feeling of dependence, one full of courage and conviction. Its uncommon and mysterious maybe even magical. If I had to sum it up in one word it would be.....'woo'. (if u dont know about 'woo' see Andrew 'Fletch' Fletcher is the director of 'woo'. He once told me "if the shoe fits.... put it on" - or maybe thats my quote? ummm either way its the truth. You see, Force 5 Media ( is in the elevator (thats right i said elevator). And the D's (Deb DeFreeuw and David Morgan) have pushed the button for the 10th floor - and if you were in the elevator you would see that that is a high as it goes. So I ask is the world ready? R u ready? If so, let the Force be with you!!! Stay tuned

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A day in the life of a Bad Boy.......

Today is the start of something new, fresh, and if you ask me – groundbreaking. I Darius Walker (aka D Walk) have joined ‘Force’s with Andrew Fletcher (aka Fletch) and the Force 5 Media team. Today was my first day on the job. It started early this morning with a tour of the office and a cup of dunkin donuts coffee (which was delicious might I add). I was shown to my office/desk by the D’s (owners David Morgan and Deb Defreeuw). I smiled, sat down, unpacked my lap-top and began to situate myself. Next, the unexplainable happened – a feeling of power came over me. It was like a Force or a magnet that I knew was going to pull me to greatness……. Fletch walked into the room.
From this point on the story gets magical. We went to an AMA (American Marketing Association) meeting and listened to a Compendium Blogware presentation. This presentation was very informative and I learned so much. But that’s not even the punch-line. The punch-line is how we made our entrance. You would have thought we were on the red carpet how other agencies acknowledge us and moved out of our way. I swear it was as if we were reenacting a scene from a hit movie. So we took our place and there was nothing anyone could do about it. It was at this point that I realized we were no longer D Walk and Fletch, we Will Smith and Martin Lawrence – the new Bad Boys of Force 5.
After this, we had lunch and discussed business. We developed a strategic plan to help push our company to the top. We know we will get there; it’s only a matter of time. In conclusion I use the worlds of some guy from Star Wars "Let the Force be with you". Stay tuned!